
As Heard Today, vol. 2

The boy and I have been playing board games this afternoon, something that we haven't done in a while. As usual, the boy was kicking my butt.

Ever since he was a little guy, I decided that I would never just let him win. I reasoned that it was good for the boy to learn what it's like to lose. Try as I might, I am rarely able to beat him. He is unstoppable. No matter how badly he appears to be losing, he manages to crawl his way back and crush me.

After being quickly annihilated at Sorry and Totally Gross, we decided to play Monopoly Junior. At long last the mojo shifted in my favor. Victory was within my reach.

Since the boy is not accustomed to losing, he tends to be a poor loser. He sulks, pouts, whines, and trys everything he can think of to get out of finishing the game. Today was no exception.

As the tide began to turn, the boy began to scowl. When that didn't work, he told me how his eyes were feeling "weird" and that they would feel better if he went outside to shoot his BB gun. Yeah, right.

I was not the least bit swayed and continued my march of dominance around the board. I was careful not to gloat but was enjoying my brief moment of glory.

Fed up, the boy shouted, "Just because you are the banker doesn't mean that you are the smart one! Why don't you go get a job at SunTrust (a local banking establishment). They have horrible jobs there."

With that he stomped off into the other room.

Take that SunTrust Bank! My seven-year-old has no interest in your employment opportunities. You will have to look for candidates elsewhere. I'm sure you are disappointed.

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Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

sun trust just lost a potential customer...

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