
An Essay

My sweet Mother-in-Law has written an essay for a Grandparent's Scholarship Contest she heard about. I have my fingers crossed that she will win some cash for the boy's college education.

After she told me about the contest, I asked her if she would email me a copy of her essay. The words she wrote were so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. I asked her permission to post the essay on my blog and she was kind enough to grant me my request.

I hope you will enjoy all the sweet things she wrote about my boy...

Flaming red hair, tons of freckles and several missing front teeth
describe my curious, free spirited, energetic grandson who
delights in being himself.
He climbs trees, digs for worms, and plays with his dog.
He's a drummer in training who loves to sing, dance
and listen to the latest tunes.
His creative ability spans artwork, games and imaginary play.
He runs on the track team, takes long bike rides and jumps
to the moon on the trampoline.
He splishes and splashes and swims with zest.
His fishing pole dangles in the Harpeth River with
hopes of catching supper.
His reading ability soars and his bookshelf
overflows with favorite stories.
He knows God in the purest form and loves his
parents beyond measure.
My hopes and dreams for my seven-year-old grandson include a
college education that strenghtens his ability to:
Appreciate heritage,
Believe in God,
Challenge himself,
Develop creativity,
Explore the world,
Fill an inquisitive nature,
Go for the gold,
Hold tight to values,
Invest in others,
Jingle, jangle and jam with musicians,
Keep promises,
Learn and take action,
Make a difference,
Negotiate detours of life,
Open a book and read,
Prepare with passion,
Question, question, question,
Respect and be respected by those in his life,
Strive to meet goals,
Take charge of his destiny,
Understand with empathy, sympathy and compassion,
Venerate life, love and laughter,
Wish upon stars,
X-out all negativity,
Zoom in on honesty, generosity, kindness, leadership.

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