
Man's Best Friend

© shoutingforha

After yesterday's tirade about cats, I thought I would talk about an animal that I truly love... our dog Brick.

The Beast, as he is affectionately called, is a little bit of an oddball. He doesn't do any of the things that "normal" dogs do. Things like licking the crumbs off the kitchen floor or playing fetch. He despises being wet so swimming is entirely out of the question.

Brick is also one of the laziest dogs on earth. He sleeps for close to 20 hours a day. Approximately 3.75 hours are spent eating, pooping and chewing on his feet. The remaining 25 minutes are spent in isolated bursts of activity. He might run around with the boy for 5 minutes, or chase a squirrel across the yard. After all that excitement, Brick becomes exhausted and has to lay down for a nap.

While on a walk last summer, the Beast just decided to quit walking. He lay on the ground and would not get up no matter what I tried. We were two miles from home and carrying him was not an option. Thankfully, my friend had joined us on the stroll and graciously agreed to go get her car and pick us up.

Despite his imposing size, Brick has an incredibly sweet disposition. He frequently drags his 85 pound frame onto our laps for a little snuggle time. He loves to bury his nose in the nape of our necks and breath in the scent of his "pack." If a member of the Ha house is sick or feeling blue, you will find the Beast holding a vigil by their side.

The boy has given Brick the nickname "Methuselah" in the hopes that the Beast will live longer than any dog in history. He has grand plans of dragging the dog along when he heads off to college in another 9 1/2 years. By that time, Brick will be thirteen. While my hopes aren't high, who am I to spoil my boy's plans.

My boy and his dog are the best of friends.
Having a furry companion has gone a long ways towards making our only child feel not so alone. He has even referred to Brick as his "brother."

In my book, that makes all of the shedding and poop scooping well worth it.

2 comment(s). Leave yours!:

mshike said... Best Blogger Tips

We feel the same way about our baby, Vandy! Now Daisy...not so much...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

woofs to you, son and dog.

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