I have spent a disproportionate amount of time up at the boy's school this week. Between my normal volunteer duties, the end-of-the-year activities and the recent flooding, my calendar has been incredibly full.
Even as we speak, I am herding a group of wild nine-year-old boys through the Country Music Hall of Fame. Calgon, take me away.
I will admit that I was not exactly looking forward to the outing. Being trapped on a school bus with dozens of elementary-aged children is not my idea of fun. The smell... the noise... I am getting carsick just thinking about it.
As luck would have it, the teachers were anticipating that the buses would be packed and asked that the parents provide their own transportation. Insanity, or more likely headache, averted.
Of all the activities going on up at the school, I was most looking forward to Field Day. I took my camera along so that I could capture the moment for posterity's sake. To my dismay, the boy spent the majority of the time scowling. Why? Allow me to explain.
For much of the past two weeks, much of the region has been under water restrictions. In an effort to conserve some H2O, all of the beloved water activities had to be replaced. The boy was not a happy camper.
The temperature was hovering in the upper 80's with humidity approaching 90 percent. Can you say muggy? The normally overly-exuberant children were lethargic. Everyone, myself included, was longing for a good old fashioned water relay or a quick spray from the hose.
In the past, the time allotted for Field Day seem to fly by all too quick. This year, however, the three hours spent outdoors felt like an eternity. You've never seen a group of kids so excited to return to class in your entire life.
On a positive note, my day spent in the sun brought me one step closer to attaining the perfect farmer's tan. All I need now is some overalls and a piece of straw that I can tuck into the corner of my mouth.
Next week promises to be just as hectic. On the calendar so far... my usual office volunteer shift, the talent show (the boy is playing drums and has asked the hubby to accompany him on guitar), the boy's class play, and the infamous last day of school class picnic and outing (more on this special event next week).
Four-and-a-half more days of school... not that I'm counting.
1 comment(s). Leave yours!:
funny Mrs. Ha.
and you thought being a mom was an easy job???
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