
One Thousand Gifts (737-750)

"Thou hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise."
~George Herbert

 737.  Santa ornaments made from cinnamon sticks (a gift from my friend).  There's something about them that make me happy. 
738.  Dinner with my book club gals. 
739.  The book club's possible reading list for next year.  I'm really excited about some of the books we're considering.
740.  Wrapping Christmas presents while listening to Christmas music.  It fills me with holiday cheer. 
741.  Hot chocolate on a cold December day.
742.  Christmas Break!  I am so happy to have my boy home for a few weeks.
743.  Soft corduroy pants. 
745.  Discovering that Brick likes to crawl under the edge of the living room rug to sleep.  He is the goofiest dog!
746.  Laughter.
747.  Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.  It's one of my favorite services of the whole year. 
748.  Waking to my boy's excited shouts on Christmas morning. 
749.  Spending Christmas with my wonderful family.  I am so very blessed to share my life with them. 
750.  The Savior of the world, come to earth as a tiny babe.

For more lists of gratitude, head over to

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