
One Thousand Gifts (819-829)

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; 
and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
~G.K. Chesterton
819.  Being the mother of an amazing boy.  It is the best job in the world.
820.  Getting together with an amazing group of women on Tuesday mornings.  It's something I look forward to every single week.
821.  Weather so warm that I have been able to break out some of my summery dresses.
822.  The sound of my beastly dog snoring by my feet.
823.  Vietnamese Chili-Garlic Sauce.  The boy and I are obsessed with it.
824.  Finding a good book to read.  It's been a while since I've really enjoyed a book.
825.  The smile on my boy's face as he presented me with the blue ribbon he won for his demonstration speech.  I'm so proud of him.
826.  Laundry, hot from the dryer.
827.  My new iron.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but it works so well that I actually enjoy ironing.
828.  A call from my sister telling me how much she adores her new nanny.  Knowing that her little one's are well cared for is a tremendous weight off her mind.
829.  K & S World Market.  I love strolling the aisles and looking for interesting foods and flavors to sample. 
For more lists of gratitude, head over to

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