
Shiver Me Timbers

I have spent the past two days helping with Kindergarten registration at the boy's school. Needless to say, my house was a disaster when I finally walked in the door at 4:45 this afternoon. It looked like a tornado had passed through during my absence. I was greeted by endless clutter, unmade beds and a mountain of dirty dishes.

After a quick tidy around the house, I decided to tackle the dishes. It seemed like a good idea to chisel the dried food from the existing pile before the dinner dishes were added to the stack. I grabbed my sponge and started scrubbing.

About halfway through the chore, I noticed that I was running low on dish soap. Every time I would try to pump some soap from my decorative dispenser, it would spurt and sputter onto the sponge. Not wanting to waste valuable time by stopping for a refill, I kept washing.

Unfortunately for me, a large glop of dish soap shot directly into my eye. Did I mention that I wear contacts? The "ultra concentrated" soap had managed to completely coat my eyeball, eyelid and both sides of my contact. The pain was unbelievable.

Being the frugal gal that I am, I couldn't simply rinse the contact from my eye. I needed to make sure that it was safely soaking in it's case. I took off running for the bathroom with the boy close on my heels.

By this point, my eye hurt so badly that I could hardly keep either one of my peepers open. I gently pulled the soapy lens from my eye and asked my sweet boy to help me get it into the case. The next thirty minutes were spent flushing my eye with insane amounts of water.

I have to say that I was shocked by how long it took rid the suds from my eye. The boy kept shouting, "I see bubbles coming out of your eye!" I can hear the ad campaign now... "One drop will keep your eye sudsy and clean for hours."

As I was putting the boy to bed, he told me that my eye was looking much better. I believe his exact words were, "Wow. Your eye isn't nearly as swollen. It just looks terrible... like when you had pinkeye." Boy, is that ever a relief. I wouldn't want to look unatractive.

While the intense pain has now gone, my eye feels like it has been rubbed with a wad of steel wool. The only time I have relief is when the eye is completely closed. While this doesn't sound like an issue, my left eye has become weary from all of the winking going on around here.

I think I am going to cover my eye in some gauze and tape it shut for the night. I've always wanted to be a pirate. Well, not really.

With any luck my eye will be back to normal by morning. Until then, this landlubber is going to go lay down before the hubby makes me walk the plank.

3 comment(s). Leave yours!:

Antique Mommy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd wear the patch as long as possible. "Dinner? I can't possibly cook with one eye! In fact, I can't even dial the phone. I'll have pepperoni. Wake me when the pizza gets here."

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


I'm with the ever-wise Antique Mommy...


mshike said... Best Blogger Tips

So sorry! I hope your eye is feeling much better today!

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