
Why I Hate Cats

Me, holding Bubbles, Christmas 1976
© shoutingforha
I wrote a post last July proclaiming that "cats are evil." I stated that I have "issues with cats" but neglected to explain what exactly those issues might be.

To explain, I have to take you back... Way back. Imagine Christmas, 1976. I am three years old. My twin sister and I had just been given a cute little calico kitten that we named Bubbles.

For the first few years, Bubbles was a good pet. She was fairly affectionate, as far as cats go. And patient... boy, was she patient. That cat put up with two little girl's attempts to dress it in doll's clothing or put it down for a nap in a baby bed.

As the years went on, something began to change. Gone was the playful kitten that we had known and loved. In it's place was this crazed beast... Bubbles, the demon cat.

Instead of lounging in the sun, Bubbles would attack anyone that happened to walk past. The result would be countless teeth and claw marks on the unsuspecting party's appendages. She would look into your eyes, daring you to approach, and then pee on the carpet.

In case you were wondering, Bubbles had been declawed as a kitten.  Somehow the wild cat had managed to find a way to use it's back claws as a weapon.

Worst of all, she would attack us when we were sleeping. There were several occasions that I woke to the sensation of my face being bitten by the crazed animal. It was during one such attack that I came to the conclusion that cats are evil.

Much to my delight, my parents decided to get rid of the cat, which was now ten-years-old. Because of it's altered personality, Bubbles had to be put to sleep. No one wanted to invite the animal into their home.  

My sister, who had not yet accepted my hypothesis, cried for a month. 

Those experiences from my childhood have made a lasting impact on my psyche. I am convinced that every cat is secretly plotting an attack against me. I know that it's completely irrational but I can't help it.

At least no one will be able to call me a weird cat lady when I get old.

3 comment(s). Leave yours!:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I think if a cat bit my face while I was sleeping, I would draw the same conclusion you have drawn. What a bizarre story. And I'm sorry Bubbles went crazy.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my gooodness! i'm sooo scared right now because my current cat i have, that is like my baby just attacked me for the first time ever while i was sleeping last night. he really did damage too. i have a cut from the inside of my mouth, through my upper lip and then to the side of my face, i was bleeding pretty bad when i woke up to him, sitting on my chest, purring as if nothing was wrong. it of course scared the living daylights out of me and now idk what to do. he was my baby, he still is..its just he would NEVER scrtach me..or even really try to purposely hurt me, so i ask why, why would a male cat, about 2 years old decide NOW to attack me? i need answers because i'm actually afraid of my own baby kitty whom i love soo much :(

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You arent sure what to do? lol.....get the cat declawed he will have nothing to scratch you with. He will still be able to bite ....and buck lol. Hovever I doubt the cat will buck you in your sleep. Also...if you wake up and your cat has clawed some of your face away.....smack him a GOOD one!! Make sure he knows what he did is completely unnacceptable. Dont sleep in the same room as the cat...I know you like to cuddle with the cat or whatever but what is more important? Your face? or cuddling? Toss him in a kennel to sleep then you can keep him in the same room.

What I hope you didnt do is....freak out and not punish the cat immediatly, but instead ran off to tend to your wounds. Now he thinks its ok. I hope your not sleeping with him in your bed still either...If you want a cat that isnt going to harm you, you have to teach him dicipline.

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